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A small temperature sensor is not easy.


Seeking skills and improving "handmade work" to make a famous Hall-an interview with the Industrial Group of Dalian Bocon Science and Technology Co., Ltd., "worker Pioneer" in Liaoning Province

They are a group of technicians walking on the assembly line, in the drop of effort and silent adherence to let the products exported overseas, will "manual work" to make a great name. Today, let us go into 2019 Liaoning Province workers vanguard to obtain the collective-Dalian Bocon Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Industrial production team.

Dalian Bocon Science & Technology Co., Ltd. has 18 employees, with an average age of 38, who have never thought that 18 hands can affect the industrial pattern of temperature sensors and broaden the company product market. Nowadays, temperature sensors are widely used in heating metering, aerospace, intelligent equipment, rail transit, power energy, Internet, smart city construction and other high-end fields, products are exported to the European Union, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Southeast Asia and more than a dozen countries. Who says ant can not shake the big tree, that is because of the lack of willing to drill, can study, willing to pay avant-garde spirit.

Young as he is, but not young at all

"it is necessary to make a finished product temperature sensor through six links, wire making, welding of key components, product assembly, product seal, logo traceability, packing specification, and six links of wire buckle, to ensure that each link does not make mistakes to ensure that the products provided by us can satisfy and rest assured to customers."  Xie Haiyang said.

As a team leader, Mr. Xie is only 32 years old. Ten years ago, he joined Bocon , with time to count, but the accumulated thickness in technical theory, practical experience and management experience cannot be measured. Not only to understand the technology, but also to be skilled; not only to master the management knowledge, but also to lead the team members to a place to think, to a place to make, to create a combat team is the requirements of Xie Haiyang. It was this one who had black-framed glasses on his nose, more like a literary youth, from the first stupefied young man to the company middle strength, who handed over an answer sheet from safety, technology and management.

Do a good job in the safety education of the team members and strengthen the safety awareness of the team members. Through the class meeting and other activities, we should conscientiously study the principles and policies, laws and regulations on production safety, carry out the working methods of new equipment and special types of work in strict accordance with the operation instructions, sum up the problems existing in the work of the team in time and put forward rectification measures, which is Xie Haiyang best interpretation of the importance of production safety weightier than Mount Tai.

"like a gentleman, he often tells us that technology is the core competitiveness, learn more, pay more attention to the trend of technological development, and ultimately benefit from the technical knowledge he has learned." The team members said. In addition to carrying out technical lectures, technical questions and answers, cause analysis of poor products, and improving the business ability and technical level of team members, Xie Haiyang also advocated and encouraged team members to learn technology by themselves. "everyone should understand technology, everyone should be a fortress, and show their own value, so as to create value for the company," he said.

"if you are the head of the team and the head of the family, you have to understand the characteristics of each team member. Let the old employees give full play to the advantages of work experience and technology, do a good job of transmission, help, belt; young employees have strong acceptability, plasticity, innovative spirit, let them improve their working ability through practice, and gradually become the backbone. " Xie Haiyang said.

The team member evaluated the sea as a technician for walking on the product line, and under his control, the whole process of the process was refined.

A small temperature sensor is not easy.

"The temperature sensor assembly looks simple, but there is a big name behind it!" Meng Yuhong said.

Meng Yuhong, an ordinary worker in the assembly process, was 37 years old and joined the BOCON for 7 years. In the past seven years, she turned from a technology white to a technical hand, and the team produced the main force.

"what is unforgettable so far is to follow the personnel to the workshop to familiarize yourself with the production process at the beginning of the job. At that time, he was full of confidence and found the assembly work easy to do. But only when I got on duty did I find that it was not that simple to assemble a small temperature sensor! Even the simplest finished product requires at least 17 or 8 processes, assembly steps, for the special requirements of each step, the connection of each process. This is not just manual work, the technical content of the requirements are particularly high. The first one was difficult for me to look at the drawings! " Meng Yuhong said. But Meng Yuhong is lucky, because BOCON gave her the platform to grow, as well as the master who made her grow.

Wang Xiudong is Meng Yuhong’s master, from how to look at the drawings, each marking represents the meaning of hand-to-hand teaching, repeatedly read, repeatedly practice; to impart assembly skills to ensure that the product is qualified; Meng Yuhong’s fear of difficulties gradually disappeared. Nowadays, Meng Yuhong is not only knows all kinds of drawings, but also plays a great role in innovative production. Through the continuous accumulation of experience, Meng Yuhong put forward a lot of rationalization suggestions in reducing costs and improving labor efficiency. "I am also praised by the company for this," she said with a smile.

Meng Yuhong said that if she had the opportunity, she would introduce herself to the company as a monitor, leading young people like her to create value with their own hands, so that "manual work" can also be tagged with excellence.

Vanguard means dare to challenge, means to speak with strength

Create first-class work, first-class service, first-class performance, first-class team, is the true color of the avant-garde of workers. This 18-person industrial production team uses a number of "first-class", so that foreign customers can identify the temperature sensors produced by broad control technology.

At the beginning of 2018, an Israeli customer asked for 600 products with a response time of less than 2.5s and a weekly delivery date. The smaller the response time, the higher the process requirements for temperature sensors. In the face of tight time, heavy tasks, the industrial team to overcome the material selection late, process requirements of high difficulties, in the absence of delay other customers normal orders, through the organization of personnel division of labor assembly, precision process operators for emergency training, coordinate the quality department to assist in each process of the product to check, the whole team towards a target focus, power, and finally before the deadline, quality assurance and quantity to meet the customer requirements. The team members recalled the tense and busy week, full of pride on each of their faces. Avant-garde, can not only block one side, but also in the team to find the right position, the hearts of all, Mount Tai moved. Today, Israeli customers have become a stable customer source of BOCON Technology, bulk purchase of temperature sensors for five months in a row, which is the best affirmation of the production team of BOCON Technology Industry. Let Chinese technology and avant-garde spirit be famous overseas, Liaoning Province workers avant-garde, deserve it.

They always take high quality and high efficiency production as the core of their work, take "unity, cooperation, rapidity, high quality, dedication" as the working concept, let us remember the names of the members of the group: Xie Hai, Meng Yuhong, Wang Xiudong, Liu Changyan, Liu Peng, Zhang Mei, Wang Jiehong, Liang Jiaqi, Zhang Xifen, Cai Jun, Li Hua, Wang Peng, Wang Fengyun, Ding Zhuang, Fan Runyan, Zhang Zihui, Wang Xiaohong, Wang Haizhen; Now, they also have a common name-Liaoning workers vanguard.

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